Fundamental Mathematics (1A)(B,C,D not shown)


Module Four


Whole Numbers in Module Four are not so simple and very mixed in nature.

Students normally have some difficulty with these real life problems but by now

have the confidence and success as well as self-esteen to do it!   Times Tables.


Decimal Numbers in Module Four are not simple and very mixed in nature.

Many times students have just as much difficulty with these as Whole Numbers

how they overcome and adapt.  Borrowing and carrying are standard skills and

everything in Module Four is fair game since it is the last Module of the Series.


          3/4  +  2   = _____            .4  +  2    = _____



          3  -  4/5   = _____            2  -  .7    = _____



          2/3  x  4   = _____            .23  x  4   = _____



          5  /  1/2   = _____            6   /  .8   = _____


    Fraction Numbers in Module Four are not so simple and very mixed in nature.

         Determining the correct answer when the problems are a mixture of Whole,

         Fractions, Mixed Numbers does pose a challenging environment for most.

         By now students have the operations of  ( +  -  x   / ) down pat and go to it!!!


    Mixed Numbers in Module Four are not simple and very mixed in nature.

         since they also consist of Whole, Fractions, Mixed, as well as Deciamals.  

         All need changed from Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers probably this

         is hardest thing expected.    Diversity and Success are paramount at this stage.


          2 1/4 + 3   = _____            .03 + 1/4   = _____



          4 - 1 2/3   = _____            .8  - 3/5   = _____



          2 1/2 x 5   = _____            3/4 x .02   = _____



          2 / 1 4/5   = _____            .3  / 3/5   = _____



    Using this “Garden Approach” to Mathematics it is possible

    to complete everything needed to be covered in half a year.

    This is a fact and many teachers ask what do we teach now?


Tom Love                   Malone College                   Fall 2003




Fundamental Mathematics (1A)(B,C,D not shown)

Module Four


         Exponents are appearing more in Fundamental Mathematics and engage students

         in exciting and challenging situations, which is what Mathematics, is really about.

         Of course, the problems are mistures of Exponents and Square Roots posing

some difficulty but students rise to the challenge and do what  is necessary.

It is amazing to see them in action and accepting all types of problems Times Tables.


Square Roots are introduced as a special division arrangement where the divisor

and quotients are some single digits.  Thus the radicands are squares of whole

numbers from  1 to 20.  Again reviewing multiplication without students knowing.

Finally, the Operations of  ( +  - X / ) are arranged to simply and easily work out.



          32   + | 4   = _____            .05 + 1 3/5 = _____



          | 81 - 70    = _____            2 1/2 - .6  = _____



          23   x | 9   = _____            .07 x 1 1/4 = _____



          | 64 / 51    = _____            2 1/5 / .4  = _____



         Proportion Problems are arranged in horizontal fashion so as to encourage the

         students to think more of ratios then fractions.  The Law of Proportions prevails

         and the problems are  not  easy and simple that they can do them in their head.

         Need I say it again; students do have some difficulty with this extreme mixture.


         Percent Problems  are arranged with solutions derived from any type of percent.

         and always a percent over 100% just to keep things on the up and up.  Students

         are encouraged to change the percent problems into proportions which parallels the

         proportion problems but in fraction form.  Diversity and Success again the essence!



          1/2 : 1/3 = N : 1/4         7  is  N%  of  20



          .06 : .3  = .4 : N          15%  of  N  =  6



          1/3 : N  = 1/4 : 1/6        N  is  30%  of  40



N : .04 = .6 : .03         125% of  12  is  N


Using this “Garden Approach” to Mathematics it is possible

    to complete everything needed to be covered in half a year.

    This is a fact and many teachers ask what do we teach now?


Tom Love                   Malone College                   Fall 2003




This is a study guide as seen by students.  Designed for Student Success!

It allows for diverse real-life practice then self-assessment and correction.

Students have access to all answers to take charge of their own learning.

This is first of (4) SGs then these same problems are mixed for last (4) SGs.

All Modules has (8) specially designed SGs (4) in groups and (4) rearranged.

         (  Download this PDF file for  PrintOut of Problems Set Mod 4A.  )


Whole and Fraction  -  Whole and Decimal Problems


          3/4  +  2   = _____            .4  +  2    = _____



          3  -  4/5   = _____            2  -  .7    = _____



          2/3  x  4   = _____            .23  x  4   = _____



          5  /  1/2   = _____            6   /  .8   = _____



Whole and Mixed   -  Fraction and Decimal Problems


          2 1/4 + 3   = _____            .03 + 1/4   = _____



          4 - 1 2/3   = _____            .8  - 3/5   = _____



          2 1/2 x 5   = _____            3/4 x .02   = _____



          2 / 1 4/5   = _____            .3  / 3/5   = _____


Exponents and Square Root Problems


          32   + | 4   = _____            .05 + 1 3/5 = _____



          | 81 - 70    = _____            2 1/2 - .6  = _____



          23   x | 9   = _____            .07 x 1 1/4 = _____



          | 64 / 51    = _____            2 1/5 / .4  = _____



Proportion and Percent Problems



          1/2 : 1/3 = ____ : 1/4         7  is  ____%  of  20



          .06 : .3  = .4 : ____          15%  of  ____  =  6



          1/3 : ____  = 1/4 : 1/6        ____  is  30%  of  40



____  : .04 = .6 : .03         125% of  12  is  ____



Tom Love                   Malone College                   Fall 2003