Welcome to the New Teacher Training Academy

* The First Seven Seconds *

Goal: The teacher will be able to understand the impact of first impressions

                                      and the four essential qualities needed to draw students toward the teacher and learning


     Of the very first day

When we see our students for the first time, we may not realize the critical important the first seconds of contact.

Yet, the truth of the matter is that the first seven seconds we have with students have immediate and lasting effects.

Understanding the reality of the first seven seconds can help us prepare and can alter the entire year with students.

Therefore, if we intend to get off to a good start and have a good year, we would be wise to consider the following.

       The research is very clear.

Roger Ailes is one of the world’s leading experts on communication. He has advised presidents. He has counseled

 some of the most successful Fortune 500 business professionals regarding how to improve communication skills.

And he has been CEO of both CNBC and America’s Talking. For almost three decades, his influence has grown,

and now its dimensions are vast. The advice of Roger Ailes should not be discounted by professional educators.

Ailes says that the truths of good communication are available to all of us. And foremost among these truths are his

 findings on  “the first seven seconds” He reminds us that the research is very clear: We start to make up our minds

 about other people immediately--within the first seven seconds of meeting them. Ailes says it’s a very primitive

 action, but “consciously or unconsciously, we’re signaling to other people what our true feelings are” when we have

 contact with them. And we are sending a message regarding “what we really want to have happen in an encounter”

 or in our relationships with them.


Therefore, in the first seven seconds, we begin to say things to ourselves which have lasting impact.

For instance, we ask ourselves, “Do I need to be alarmed by this person?  Is this a good person?  Is he or she friendly?

 What are the intentions of this person?” In effect, we rapidly go through a series of options and  “arrive at” and  “settle

 on” a general perception of that person. Without doubt, students do the same with us.  If we do not think so, we are

 mistaken. And this is one mistake that may prove costly to both us and our students.

                After the first seven seconds, we just process our perceptions.

There is a second truth. Ailes says that once the first seven seconds have passed, it’s extremely difficult to reverse

that first impression. This reality can have catastrophic consequences for teachers who don’t understand the signals

 they send to students. “After that initial seven seconds,” Ailes says, “we are just fine-tuning everything that we

 perceived.” If later behavior doesn’t fit with positive first impressions, we ask ourselves, “Gee, I liked him before.

 Why don’t I like him now?” However, we try to make our later impressions conform to a framework of the decisions

 we made in the first seven seconds. For teachers, this second truth is very important. If students’ first reaction is to

 distrust us or believe that we are unfair or uncaring, it’s going to be hard to change their minds. However, when we

 come across as enthusiastic, caring, and genuine in the first seven seconds, the seeds we want to sow are planted.

Ailes’ third truth emphasizes the need for the ability to make students comfortable. He insists this is the number one

talent of all great communicators. Students should be able to look into our eyes and immediately know we like them

and, therefore, wouldn’t do anything to hurt them. When such is the case, we will automatically produce an ineffable

quality: likeability. Ailes calls likeability the “magic bullet.” If students like us, they will forgive just about anything

we do wrong. However, he says likeability is hard to define.

To be considered likable, one must exhibit four enduring characteristics: integrity,  respect for others,  trustworthiness,

 and  honesty.  What is more, likable people tend to be optimists, which makes sense. After all, it’s hard to like anyone

 who responds by saying,  “horrible”  when asked, “How was your day?”  But Ailes says the most important element

 shared by people who are liked is that they like other people and genuinely care about the well-being of others.  This

characteristic, liking other people,  makes them likable. He also insists that, in general, people who try too hard to be

 likable normally aren’t. Therefore, our task on the first day is to be ourselves and make sure students know our intent

 is to open doors of opportunity for them allowing them to be Self-Learners and Life-Long Learners.

                      The Master Teacher knows there are four essential qualities we must master.

The Master Teacher doesn’t discount the importance of beginnings. And the first seconds of class are among the

most important of all. To deliver the message we want, we must master what Ailes considers to be four essential  and

critical qualities. First and foremost, we must be prepared. Students must have confidence that we know what we are

 talking about and know that we’ve prepared ourselves to teach them.

Second, The Master Teacher knows we must have the ability to make students comfortable and safe with us,

their classmates, and what we are teaching. We need to recognize that teachers who are comfortable and make students

comfortable don’t overreact to events by being negative, getting uptight, or blowing up. Keeping  emotions in check

 helps make students feel comfortable and safe being with us.

Third, The Master Teacher believes we must be committed. Ailes says commitment is critical because when we

care, we perform at a higher level. Finally, The Master Teacher is aware that we must be interesting and enthusiastic.

We must use our individuality and creativity. After all, an interesting and enthusiastic teacher stimulates students’

curiosity and passion for learning.   It all begins with the first seven seconds.


Welcome to the New Teacher Training Academy         North Central Association Accreditation and School
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