@@@ A Simple Overview of Probability & Odds @@@


Definition:  Probability is concerned with events of chance or uncertainity.  ( Click on Probability! )

Probabilities are normally and usually represented as fractions e.g.            2/3     or      4/5


Scale of Probability:          Impossible                      Maybe                  Certain


                                             0          Low             ½             High           1


Sample Space (Universe of Event)


         A listing or diagram of all possible outcomes from an experiment or occurrence.


Specific Event (Subset of Universe)


         Simple (single event)    or   Non-Simple (multiple events) of chance.


Types of Probabilities for an Experiment (Event) of Chance or Uncertainity. 

P = Probability     * = Not      P* = Not Probability



Probability Experiment: Tossing a Die

onto a table or the floor.



Since a Die is a Cube with 6 faces:

1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6



@@@ Probability of Success = (Success / Total )         Probability of Failure* = ( Failure / Total )* @@@




P (2) = 1/6



P (Odd) = 3/6



P (N<5) = 4/6



P* (2) = 5/6



P* (Odd) = 3/6   



P* (N<5) = 2/6



P (R)  È  P*(R)  = 1              P (R)  Ç  P*(R)  = 0




The Sum of P and P* equals 1.              The intersection of P and P* equals 0.






Definition:  Odds represents the probability of an event occurring and/or happening.  ( Click on Odds! )


Odds are normally and usually represented as ratios  e.g.       2:3     or      2 to 3




Summary of Odds: Die Experiment

Tossing a Die with 6 faces onto floor.



Since a Die is a Cube with 6 faces:

1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6




Simple Example of the Odds for the above Experiment of Chance or Uncertainity.      

Odds represent a ratio of Probabilities.      Thus represent Odds then reduce as ratios.



Odds in favor of Two event:          Of (N=2) =  1/6 : 5/6    =  1 : 5  or   1 to 5


Odds against Two event:                      Oa (N=2) =  5/6 : 1/6    =  5 : 1  or   5 to 1



Odds in favor of Odd event:          Of (N is Odd) =  3/6 : 3/6      =  3 : 3  or   3 to 3


Odds against Odd event:                     Oa (N is Odd) =  3/6 : 3/6     =  3 : 3  or   3 to 3



Odds in favor of N<5 event:          Of (N<5) =  4/6 : 2/6    =  4 : 2  or   4 to 2


Odds against N<5 event:                      Oa (N<5) =  2/6 : 4/6    =  2 : 4  or   2 to 4



Thus using Probabilities to develop Odds readily shows that it is more likely to not get a Two.



Tom Love                    Malone College                Fall 2003


Reference for this information on P & O:  Fundamentals of Mathematics by Edwin I. Stein