Fundamental Mathematical Knowledge

Conceptual   and  Computational !


Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy defines Fundamental Knowledge

Application Level:               Using Basic Knowledge to Solve Problems

Comprehension Level:       Restated Definition  & Concrete Example

Memorization Level:          Minimal Fundamental Knowledge (If any!)


The following pages attempt to provide  simple examples  for teachers to use

as checklists to assess student’s Fundamental Knowledge of Mathematics.

A.   Students should be able to provide  restated textbook definitions

with visual/concrete examples which is conceptual assessment.

B.  Students should also be able to provide evidence of  proficiency in

 computation skills  which is a operational assessment.


  Definitions:  *   MathWords   *   MathStuff   *   MathWorld   *   Wikipedia   *   OneLook  *


Natural Numbers          Fractions            Mixed Numbers            Decimals

Ratio, Proportions, Percents       Exponents & Square Roots       Integers


Geometry: Shapes, Names, and Properties

P & A of Triangles       P & A of Parallelograms     Surface Area &Volume


Probability         Measurements          Statistics

 Simple Expressions       Simple Equations      Simple Inequalities

Creation Charts       Interpretation Charts     Data Analysis


Tom Love                                     Malone College                          Spring 2006