

* WebQuest is a specially designed and structured WWW lesson. *

* The Building Blocks and Instructions to create a WebQuests *


WebQuest is an inquiry (special type of question) oriented activity in which some

or all of the information learners interact with comes from resources available

on the WWW. Timeframe can consist of short-term or long-term WebQuest.


A short term WebQuest has an instructional goal which implied acquisition

and integration.  Each student obtains and processes a significant amount of

new information from the Web and in school materials.  Short WebQuests

are designed to be completed in one to three class periods.


In a long term WebQuest instructional goals increase in difficulty challenging

students to extend and refine knowledge they find online and in the real world.

Each student deeply analyzes a body of knowledge integrated into their own

knowledge base.  Long term WebQuests take a week to a month to finish.


A WebQuest should

            be correlated to local and state curriculum standards or goals.

            replace a lesson that might be better suited for a WebQuest.

            make appropriate use of the WWW and Internet resources.

            require a degree of student application of knowledge learned.


( Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University )




Web Sites with Examples of WebQuests

@@@   NOTE: URLs are not displayed beneath  brief URL description.  @@@




@ Complete & Comprehensive WebQuest Web Site @


A Selection of Webquest from Dr Alice Christie * ASU


Locating and Evaluating Webquests


@ Mathematics Webquest on The Titantic @


@ WebQuest on learning from Lighthouses @


@ Comprehensive WebQuest on Ancient Etypt @


WebQuests - Kathy Schrock Guide for Educators


@ Internet 4 Classrooms Web Site for WebQuests @




Thomas E. Love            School of Education * Malone College            Fall 2007